Stay Informed


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Pastor Listening Sessions
Father Woods is holding a series of information sessions with parishioners to hear their thoughts on the 716 Bestgate Road purchase. Please register for the session of your choice using this link
Lent 2025 Schedule
As we prepare for Easter, please join us for:
Stations of the Cross
Fridays, 7 pm, St. Mary’s Church
March 7, 14, 21 & 28, April 4* & 11
Confessions: 6:30 to 7 pm
*Stations of the Cross on Overcoming Racism
Soup Suppers
Wednesdays, 4:30 to 6:30 pm, Seelos Hall
March 19, 26 & April 2 & 9
Confessions: 6:15-6:45
Lenten Mission: “Pilgrims of Hope, Anchoring in...”
Sunday to Tuesday, March 23-25 at 7pm, St. John Neumann
Followed by Confessions on Monday, Reception on Tuesday
Penance Service
Tuesday, April 8, 7 to 8 pm, St. John Neumann
Anointing of the Sick
Tuesday, April 15, at 12:10 pm, St. John Neumann
Presentation of the Shroud
Tuesday, April 15, at 7 pm, Seelos Hall

Inclement Weather Policies for St. Mary’s Parish
These policies apply to St. Mary’s and St. John Neumann Churches and Parish Ministry Groups
In general, St. Mary’s and St. John Neumann Churches will be open for Masses at regular times during inclement weather. The exception to this policy is that when St. Mary’s School is closed (following the Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ decision to close), Masses will not be held at St. John Neumann but will instead be held at St. Mary’s Church.
 Please check the top of the homepage of under “Stay Informed” then “Announcements” for any changes. You may also check myParish app.
Parish Activities:
In the event that school is closed (or closes early), all scheduled parish activities are cancelled. Ministry leads, at their discretion, may decide to hold their meeting/ event but are responsible for informing their audiences that the meeting/event is still happening. They may also pivot to a virtual meeting/event.
St. Mary’s Office of Faith Formation generally follows the Anne Arundel County Public School System regarding announced delays or cancellations (   However, since most events and sessions for PK-8 Family Faith Formation, High School Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, and Youth & Young Adult Ministry occur on evenings and weekends, an independent decision may need to be made by the Office of Faith Formation whether or not an event will be held.  If a scheduled in-person event needs to be cancelled due to weather conditions, a Flocknote (email) will be sent to participating households as early as possible to alert them of the cancellation or whether the event has been moved to virtual (and providing the link information to connect). If you are uncertain whether an event will occur, you can call 410-990-4056 to hear if a recorded message has been made.

Soldiers of the Cross book-Now Available
St. Mary's is proud to announce the publication of Parish Archivist and Historian Robert Worden's new book, Soldiers of the Cross: Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos and the Catholic Community in Annapolis During the Civil War. ofthecross. Once you have placed your order, your copy will be available for pickup in the St. Mary's Parish Office,109 Duke of Gloucester, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
Mass Cards
Mass cards will be available in the St. John Neumann office on Fridays from 12:45-1:15 pm.
St. Mary's Church Office Hours
The St. Mary's Church Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 am until 7:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am until 4:00 pm, Saturday 8:30 am until 4:30 pm, and Sunday 8:00 am until 12:00 noon.  The office will be closed for lunch Monday-Friday from 12:30-1:30 pm.
Streamed Masses Schedule (Normal Schedule)
Monday-Saturday: 6:45 am - St. Mary's Church
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm - St. John Neumann Church  
Sunday: 7:00 am - St. Mary's Church
Sunday: 10:30 am - St. Mary's Church
Sunday: 1:00 pm - St. John Neumann Church (in Spanish) 
If you cannot access these links, go to "Stay Informed" at the top of the homepage and select "Live Stream Masses." 
Private Prayer
St. Mary’s Church will be open for personal visits from 6 am until 8 pm Monday through Sunday.
Confession will be offered at St. John Neumann Church M-S 7:30-7:55 am, M-F 11:30-12:00 noon, and Saturdays 3:45-4:15 pm and at St. Mary's Church Saturdays 4:15-4:45 pm.