Faith Formation

Lifelong Faith Formation

“Today Christ is asking each of you the same question: do you love Me? He is not asking you whether you know how to speak to crowds, whether you can direct an organization or manage an estate. He is asking you to love Him. All the rest will follow.” St. John Paul II
Our journey in life on this side of eternity is filled with many blessings and challenges. More than any other approach, faith and holiness can get us through even the most difficult of times in our own life, and those of our loved ones. Growing in faith is a lifelong journey as we learn more and more how to put our trust in God, and allow Him to nourish, guide, and strengthen us through the Sacramental Life of the Church.
Here at St. Mary’s, we have so many opportunities for you and your loved ones to grow in faith – so many ways to learn the “matters of faith” in order to “find a faith that matters.” You, and your family, are invited to join with us as a Parish family, in growing closer to Christ and to one another. Use our tabs to find where everyone can find a place to grow!
All are welcome!
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      Pope Francis, let Church be place of ...

For more information and online registration for children's Faith Formation,

Office of Faith Formation

Michele Dougherty
Director of Faith Formation
Email Me

Teresa Yao
Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation
Email Me

Eileen Messer

Registrar & Administrative Assistant
Email Me