Faith Formation
Family Faith Formation and Sacraments

High School Faith Formation

Pope Francis has reminded us that, “Living the Christian life . . . is a lifelong commitment to getting to know Jesus through prayer and studying His word.”

St. Mary’s offers opportunities for our parish youth to continue to grow in faith during high school. Teens not attending a Catholic high school who wish to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation will need to attend continuing faith formation sessions in addition to their preparation for the sacrament. The high school faith formation classes consist of 13 in-person sessions on Sunday mornings. In addition to learning about our Catholic faith, the sessions include lessons from the required Created to Love curriculum. This curriculum is mandated for use by all parishes in the archdiocese as part of the Church's commitment to provide catechetical formation in chaste living as well as child safety practices. In addition, the archdiocese training for youth ministers, Worthy of the Call, is included. 

Beyond these classes, teens continue on in the formation by participating in our parish Youth Ministry events (such as faith small group evenings, retreats, and service). All high school teens, regardless of where they attend school (Catholic or non-Catholic), are encouraged to participate in our Youth Ministry events.

For those preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation, refer to the Sacraments for Children and Youth webpage for more information and to register.

Registration for Confirmation is separate from registration for high school faith formation. 

High School Faith Formation Contacts

Michele Dougherty
Director of Faith Formation
Email Me

Teresa Yao
Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation
Email Me

Eileen Messer

Registrar & Administrative Assistant
Email Me