Parish Life
Parish Leadership

Facilities Committee

Purpose: This volunteer committee is tasked with providing oversight and guidance on maintenance, renovation and construction for the Church, Schools and other Parish Facilities. The committee reviews and makes recommendations on the annual Restoration and Maintenance budget as well as reviewing unscheduled breakdowns and repairs.
The Committee also looks at security issues, accessibility, space planning, utility consumption and staffing issues. The Facilities Committee also interacts with the Parish Council, the Finance Committee and other Parish-related groups such as the Silver Saints, the Athletic Association, the Redemptorists and the Archdiocese.
Membership: The committee has at least three members with experience in the design, construction or maintenance aspects of Facilities Management. There are also ex-officio members including the Facilities Director, the Manager of Facilities, the Pastor, the Parish Administrator, representatives of the High School and Elementary School, the Athletic Director, and a representative of the Parish Council and the Silver Saints. The meeting is chaired by a representative approved by the Pastor.
Meetings: The Committee meets monthly, at least ten times a year. Additional meetings may be held to address specific problems that arise.
Authorities: The Committee is an advisory body to the Pastor and Parish Leadership only. It shall have no authority over allocations of the Parish’s financial or material resources or give direction to Parish staff.
Contact: Bob Rowan- Chair
Home: 410-421-5021
Mobile: 410-615-0028