Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation

“End-of-Life Issues ” 

The St. Mary’s Pastoral Council is excited to announce the seventh in a series of presentations on The Seven Principles of our Church’s Social Teachings as promulgated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Join us to hear Father Kevin O’Neil, C.Ss.R., address this topic on Tuesday, March 4, at  St. John Neumann in Seelos Hall beginning at 7:00 pm
Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study: Walking With Purpose
Do you crave meaningful connection with other women at St. Mary's? Would you like to know more about how Scripture relates to your everyday life? If so, we invite you to consider joining Walking with Purpose at St. Mary's Parish. Walking with Purpose (WWP) is a weekly women's bible study that through personal study and small group discussions helps to link our everyday challenges and struggles to the solutions given to us through the Scriptures and the Church.
Join us Thursday evenings.
Joelle Roloff

Monday Morning Bible Studies Group
The mission of this group is to study the different books of the Bible in their historical context and to see how they apply to us today. We follow the Little Rock Bible series commentaries and questions which include both the objective facts and the subjective way it affects us. In addition, the leaders give information from independent sources that adds to the discussion. Our biggest concern is discovering how the situations and ideas apply today in our own lives, and so discussion is greatly encouraged. It's by sharing our own joys and sorrows that we're best able to encourage each other to follow God's will more closely.
We meet Monday mornings from 8:45 am to 10 am in Seelos Hall of St. John Neumann Mission Church, September through May.
Chris Cable
Phone: 410-267-6621
Karen Switzer (assistant)
Phone: 248-207-1633

Monday Evening Bible Study Group
Meetings take place remotely on Zoom (via the free app) starting at 7 PM and ending at 8pm, with a short period afterwards open for additional questions and discussion. The group’s goals are to create a more personal relationship with God through a deeper understanding of the Bible by exploring the history and context of biblical texts, with particular focus on: when, where, and why the texts were written, who the author(s) were, what history might be reconstructed from the text, to whom the author(s) were speaking, and the development of the texts over time. We also seek to develop a deeper relationship with the Old Testament, and experience the books of the Bible as parts of a rich oral tradition. Our reflection is facilitated by an experienced catechist for adults, Mrs. Tricia Mahoney.

Tricia Mahoney
Phone: 703-346-7680

Adult Faith Formation Contacts

Sharon Graham
Coordinator of Liturgy
    • Adult FF Pics

      One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic

St. Paul - Apostle to the Gentiles

Deacon Anthony Norcio, JCL, PhD, will be giving a series of talks beginning Wednesday, September 1st from 7:00pm - 9:00pm.

All handouts for this series can be downloaded here.