Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation

Walking With Purpose

“It’s the MORE You’ve Been Looking For”
WWP Bible studies combine personal study with small group discussions, linking our everyday challenges to the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.
If you desire to grow in your faith---In a supportive community of Catholic women---Walking with Purpose is for YOU!
**Join us on Thursday, September 12, 2024, for our opening mass with Fr. Patrick Woods, Saint John Neumann Church, 7PM.

We offer two different women’s bible study courses this year:
1. OPENING YOUR HEART: First time joining Walking with Purpose? This is the study for you! No experience is necessary just a desire to increase your trust in God’s unconditional love. Discover or rediscover a more personal relationship with Jesus, and grow closer to God. Click here to view calendar. This is the introductory study for all new to WWP.
**Thursday evenings ONLY at St. Mary’s High School, in person, 7:00 – 8:45 pm**
2. ROOTED AND RADIANT a study of Colossians (Fall) and PASSIONATE DISCIPLESHIP a study of 2 Timothy (Spring). Both books are for any woman who wants to live her life grounded in Jesus Christ, with His clarity and peace, as we learn to engage the world with hope, living as disciples of Christ. Click here to view calendar.
Weekly meetings are on the following days/times: Choose ONE meeting Option
1. Monday mornings 9:30 – 11:15 a.m. at St. John Neumann in the Field House (in person)
2. Tuesday mornings 10:00 – 12:00 at St. John Neumann Church, Seelos Hall (in person)
3. Wednesday evenings 7:00 – 8:00 pm (virtual ONLY)
4. Thursday evenings 7:00 – 8:45 pm at St. Mary’s High School (in person and virtual
***Meetings begin on the week of 9/16***
Course materials are an additional fee and are available through the Walking with Purpose eStore . Please visit the eStore and purchase your study guide after you register. 
For questions please contact
Coordinator LEAD Diane Beliveau 

Find out more by joining our Facebook group:

Other Members of the WWPCoordinating Team:
Laura Wanderling:
Ann McCord: (New member)
Nadine Smith: (New member)