JUNE 23-27, 2025
9 am to Noon each day
St. Mary's Elementary School Fine Arts Building
At True North VBS, kids are guided on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, Totally Catholic True North VBS shows them that He is a faithful friend we can always trust.
He’s our True North!
AGES: VBS is open to children currently in PK (age 4) thru Grade 4.
SIZE: Registration is limited to 90 campers on a first-come, first-served basis.
VOLUNTEERS: It takes many hands to run a VBS. Teens currently in Grade 5 thru Adults can volunteer to help. Volunteers can complete the Volunteer Form using the link below to indicate where at VBS they would like to help. Parents who volunteer-serve all 5 days of VBS will receive a refund of 50% of their child's registration.
$75 per child and includes supplies, snacks, a t-shirt, and the VBS music (one copy per family). Payment is due at the time of registration. Registration will close on May 18, 2025 (or earlier if the maximum number of slots is filled) in order to finalize supplies and preparations for VBS. To register, please click the registration link below. If you need assistance with registration, please contact
Eileen Messer.
Please check back for details on a middle school service camp. Dates and location TBD.