Faith Formation
Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Middle School Youth Ministry

"Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe." (1 Timothy 4:12)

Our St. Mary's Youth Ministry program provides opportunities for all middle schoolers (Grades 6-8) to grow in their faith, find fellowship with peers, and serve others in our community. It is a great place to live out our Catholic faith with friends! 

We are open to all young people regardless of which school they attend or financial ability. Many events do not have a cost but for those that do, please confidentially contact Jacob Blackwell if you need assistance in order for your child to be able to participate. Any fees associated with events will be communicated. Donations to help fund social and service experiences are heartily welcome.

Please contact Jacob Blackwell with any comments, questions, or concerns or to be placed on the middle school email list. You can regularly refer to St. Mary's parish bulletin and Flocknote, this webpage, and St. Mary's Youth Ministry Facebook & Instagram for any announcements.

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Middle School Youth Ministry Contacts

Jacob Blackwell
Youth & Young Adult Coordinator 

Michele Dougherty
Director of Faith Formation 
View the complete calendar HERE.
Thursday, Jan. 9th: Blanket & Letter Service - Start the New Year off by serving our community! We'll craft no-sew blankets for Our Lady of Guadalupe ministry and write personal letters for our homebound parishioners. Service hours and pizza provided! Meet us in the Carroll House from 6 - 8 PM. SIGN-UP HERE!
Thursday, Jan. 16th: Anything But a Bowl Night - We'll provide the cereal, you provide anything BUT a bowl! Enjoy a late night snack and games with friends! We'll be in the Team House Franey Room from 7 - 8:30 PM. SIGN-UP HERE!
Sunday, Jan. 19th: Youth Night - our monthly night of pizza, games, activities, witness talks, small group, prayer ministry, and more! January's theme is True Presence - the miracle of the Eucharist! Join us in the Team House Franey Room from 5:30 - 8:30 PM. SIGN-UP HERE!
Friday, Jan. 24th: VA LifeFest & DC March for Life - Join us on a trip to Fairfax, VA & Washington, DC for the annual LifeFest hosted by the Sisters of Life and March for Life! Transportation, lunch, AND service hours provided! Please RSVP at!