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Student Life
Elementary School

After School Program

After School Care

For the 2022-2023 school year the After School Care fee is $8.00 per hour and is charged ($4.00) at the half-hour or part thereof.

St. Mary's Elementary School offers an After School Care (ASC) program for our students. After School Care begins at 2:45 p.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. This program is open to all students, who are registered for the ASC program, on a drop-in basis.

Registration, Emergency/Medical, A Parent's Guide to Regulated Child Care forms and information concerning the fees are available in the main office. These forms must be filled in for each student.

The children in grades PreK-3 are escorted to the After School Care rooms by a teacher. The children in grades 4-8 report to the After School Care classrooms at dismissal. Upon arrival to ASC, attendance is taken while the children receive a snack and drink.
After snack time the students will be given a chance to play outside, weather permitting, or to stay inside to begin their homework. After playtime, the children return to the classroom to complete their homework, read or play a quiet game.

Before picking up your child, you must sign your child out with the supervising teacher in the main lobby and receive an exit ticket for each child. You may pick up your child in the school or on the playground depending on the time of your arrival. Please note that written permission is required in the main office no later than 2 p.m. of the day of change before a child can be released to anyone other than a parent/guardian.

For the safety of our children, please park in the lower lot. If you arrive after 5:30 p.m., you will be charged an additional $25.00 per child for each quarter-hour or fraction thereof.