Faith Formation
Family Faith Formation and Sacraments

Sacraments for Children & Youth

Catholic Sacraments: Vehicles of Grace

The seven sacraments are Christ’s own gifts that provide us with His grace, and are fundamental in living the Catholic Faith. The Church describes them as “outward signs of inward grace, instituted by Christ, for our salvation.”

In order to participate, families must be registered AND actively participating parishioners of St. Mary’s. For children baptized as infants, preparation for the sacraments takes place through the parish and is in addition to their on-going faith formation, whether attending the parish Faith Formation program or a Catholic School. On-going formation should have already started before preparation for the sacrament, and continue the year of and beyond reception of the sacrament.  Children not attending a Catholic school must also register for and participate in the parish Faith Formation program.

It is a most joyous time for families when young people, upon completing their preparation, receive their sacraments! St. Mary’s Faith Formation Program, in following the Archdiocesan guidelines, offers preparation programs for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist (Holy Communion), and Confirmation. These formative years are opportunities for the entire family to grow closer to Christ, to His Church, and to one another in truly meaningful ways. Be assured of our daily prayers for all families as you prepare to receive Jesus’ gifts of divine grace!

First Reconciliation and Eucharist: Preparation is offered to children in Grade 2 and older who are Catholic (baptized Catholic or who have been received from another Christian tradition before age 7).  Children should have had a year of prior religious education/faith formation instruction and attend Mass regularly before enrolling.

Confirmation: Preparation is offered to teens in Grades 9-12 who have been baptized and made their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in the Catholic Church.

Children Wishing to Become Catholic

Children and teens who are seeking a fuller relationship with God through the Catholic Church are initiated through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) adapted for children.  This process introduces children aged 7 and older who are unbaptized or who were baptized in another Christian faith about Catholicism and prepares them for initiation into the Catholic Church.  Please contact Michele Dougherty, Director of Faith Formation to discuss your child's situation and next steps.

Contact Information

Michele Dougherty  Email Michele
Director of Faith Formation

Eileen Messer  
Email Eileen

Registrar & Administrative Assistant