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Parish Life

Child and Youth Protection Training

Volunteering at St. Mary's

Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer at St. Mary’s Parish. St. Mary’s Parish and the Archdiocese of Baltimore have a commitment to maintaining the trust of the faithful by providing our children and youth with safe environments characterized by healthy relationships. With our longstanding commitment in mind, all parishes and archdiocesan Catholic schools use VIRTUS, a compliance management system that allows all parishes and schools to facilitate compliance with archdiocesan child and youth protection requirements for all volunteers who work with minors. Please contact the screening coordinator assigned to your group if you have any questions.

For Volunteers 18 Years of Age & Older

Please register as a St. Mary's Church, St. Mary’s Elementary or St. Mary's High School volunteer at www.virtusonline.org, following the instructions below for either a volunteer with substantial contact with children/youth or without substantial contact with children/youth. For volunteers with substantial contact with children/youth only:  after you have completed the registration & training process, please notify the appropriate Screening Coordinator to have your references checked & background screening results reviewed. 

For Volunteers 14-17 Years of Age

  1. Contact the appropriate screening coordinator to set up an appointment to watch the 45 minute video "Worthy of the Call"
  2. Submit the volunteer application
  3. Submit reference forms from 3 adults
  4. Review the "Statement of Policy"
  5. Review the "Code of Conduct"

Screening Coordinators

Church Volunteer Screening Coordinator:
Nancy Rainer
Elementary School Volunteer Screening Coordinator:
Laura Sollock
High School Volunteer Screening Coordinator:
Monique Geiger