Parish Life

Pastoral Care & Outreach

As Catholics, service to others is an integral part of our faith. The outreach ministries of our parish, as the title implies, reach out into the Annapolis community to provide assistance for many different groups, especially those who are in need. This includes those in need of material and/or emotional support.  This group of ministries also includes our Environmental Stewardship Committee which ensures we not only care for others but for God’s gift of the Earth.
    • Pastoral Care


Pastoral Care

List of 5 items.

  • Bethany Bereavement

    This ministry is dedicated to bringing love, comfort, and support to all who have experienced the death of a loved one. Its goals are to address the immediate and on-going needs of those grieving and to help them eventually accept their loss and grow spiritually. At the time of death, they offer compassionate listening and support, assistance planning the funeral liturgy, general information and suggestions to help their mourning. They invite the bereaved to attend a 4-week workshop that is given in fall and spring. They also invite them to a Mass and reception in November in honor of all the parish‘s deceased loved ones and put their deceased‘s name in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel.
  • Home Bound Eucharistic Ministry

    Members of this ministry are lay Eucharistic Ministers who have the privilege of bringing the Eucharist, St. Mary's community, and friendship to those in the parish who are confined to their homes because of disability, post-op recovery, serious illness, or terminal illness. They come into the person's home, bringing the Body of Christ and also the feeling that the person is spiritually and physically connected to St. Mary's Parish, even if they are unable to attend liturgy. They come to bring Jesus' comfort, love, and strength. It is a humbling and rewarding experience.
  • Hospital Visitation Ministry

    These volunteers take care of approximately 15 institutions, including Anne Arundel Medical Center, as well as all of the nursing homes, assisted living homes and rehabilitation homes in the area. The volunteers and our parish priests bring the Eucharist to the patients confined to these institutions, and our priests also administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick. All of this work is meant to assist the sick to become well and/or to prepare them for whatever lies ahead of them. In addition to the patients, ministry volunteers also provide comfort to the families who know that the spiritual needs of their loved ones are being cared for by St. Mary's.

    Anne Arundel Medical Center
    If you are at Anne Arundel Medical Center- a change in hospital policy means that if you are a patient you must proactively ask for a priest or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. We have people there every day to bring Communion and a priest is available for anointing or confession, but you must ask now, “I would like to be on a list to be visited by someone of my religious preference.” If you are not asked, please ask your nurse to put you on the Catholic visitation list. The hospital visitation team is happy to bring Communion every day.
  • Nursing Home/Assisted Living Ministry

    Members of this ministry provide Holy Communion services, periodic in-facility Masses, music and sing-alongs for the 13 nursing home, assisted living, and senior complexes in the Parish. This ministry distributes communion to approximately 180 Catholics a week.
  • Prison Ministry

    Jesus said; "I was in prison and you visited me." The corporal works of mercy call us to reach out to all prisoners in order to bring them to a knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ through faith and love. Archdiocesan policy calls us to minister to the Catholic prisoners in the geographical area of Anne Arundel County. This ministry provides lay people of the parish with the opportunity to share in a significant corporal work of mercy.

Light House Shelter Volunteers


List of 16 items.

  • Anne Arundel Single Adult Catholics

    Single Adult Ministry at Our Lady of the Fields is a combined effort St. Mary’s and other churches within and outside Anne Arundel County. This group supports those who are single, divorced, widowed or separated.  We support people in all stages of their life and growth. 
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Advocacy

    The Mission of Our Lady of Guadalupe Advocacy Ministry, following the model in Christ's gospels, is to protect & preserve the human rights of our immigrant brothers and sisters of the parish, responding to their needs to the best of our abilities - legal, medical, food, clothing, diapers, education, and entrusting them to prayer.  
  • Birthright

    Birthright of Annapolis is a non-profit, non-political organization. It provides resources, counseling and assistance to all pregnant women in need in our communities, a job it has done for over three decades. Birthright is urgently recruiting adult volunteers to counsel and assist women in crisis pregnancies. No experience is required, just a big heart and a few hours a month. Training is provided. If you are looking for a way to put your faith into action, Birthright may be for you. HOTLINE 1-800-550-4900
    Birthright doesn't have any changing activities, we are simply present for any women and families that need  resources and a loving ear to support their pregnancies. We have pregnancy tests, but since the price of those has dropped in the past few years most of our clients already know they are pregnant. We have baby supplies, offering a full layette to any new mother, maternity clothes and children's clothes. We have diapers and formula and baby food. We can help with referrals to other agencies  and support and care during and after the babies are born, if you have any questions about what we do please let me know Thank you for reaching out. I will be looking for a weekend to do our yearly fund raiser the " baby. Bottle boomerang " I will let you know when that is taking place.
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  • Environmental Stewardship

    In 2007, a group of St. Mary's parishioners met and formed the St. Mary’s Environmental Stewardship Committee with the support of the Pastor. Composed of elementary and high school teachers, parents, parishioners, and administrators, the Committee has worked to implement conservation practices and Earth Care in the Parish to accomplish its mission: to preserve the beauty of the fingerprint of God by developing and implementing a community-wide strategy for education, awareness, and action to fulfill Pope John Paul II’s challenge to “care for all creation".

    In the St. Mary’s tradition of service, the Committee is actively engaged with the Pastor, Church leadership, and many parishioners in projects to be protectors of creation by GREENING our two large campuses in Annapolis and in making environmental stewardship part of the Parish mission.
    We at St. Mary’s Parish have made sustainability a strategic priority, working to further reduce our effect on our planet, the Annapolis area, and the Chesapeake Bay by continually adopting greener practices and developing conservation measures in a sound fiscal way.  Through the work of our Parish clergy and lay leaders, we have accomplished much in caring for creation and working to do much more to be a model for other faith-based groups and private organizations. This work is coordinated by our St. Mary's Environmental Stewardship Committee. 
    This year ESC will expand our efforts to assist members of the Parish to support clean energy through their electricity bill. In making recommendations the committee members are being careful to discuss only steps that we have found affordable and reliable based on our own personal experiences.  Many exciting developments have occurred in the past five years to facilitate the switch to solar and wind, including falling prices, better technology, and attractive financing approaches.  Beginning with Wind Power we will be building on our earlier relationships with Interfaith Power and Light,, and Groundswell, to facilitate enrollments.  Buying Wind power is exceedingly simple and the per kilowatt price is only slightly higher than ‘dirty’ energy.  Several of us on the committee signed up for wind power two years ago and found it a very easy process.  Your service, billing, and relationship with your utility, such as BG&E, will remain the same.  There is no upfront cost. This option is open to both renters and homeowners.
    Interfaith Power and Light and Groundswell’s clean energy campaign will begin soon – to stay up to date please visit energy and add your name to their sign up form.  This year we expect that there will be multiple open sign up periods. Please note, Delmarva Power is expected to be one of the participating utilities this year. REMEMBER YOUR coastal VACATION HOMES!  You can now get clean wind power for your condos in the Ocean City area as well as your homes in the Annapolis area.
    Solar energy is another option experiencing rapidly changing economies.  In a coming update we will discuss the various options for using solar electricity.

    Working with BGE and the University of Maryland, a comprehensive energy audit was conducted of the parish facilities and meetings arranged with BGE energy conservation leaders to plan energy  conservation measures that BGE helps fund.  The Parish has accomplished the following:
    • Highly efficient lighting systems have been installed in three buildings (old Primary bldg., Fine Arts bldg, and the High School) and records show that electric use has been cut by an average of 18% in these buildings. That is a total reduction of about 104,000 kWh a year, saving about $8,000 each year and reducing our carbon footprint. As part of the lighting upgrades, motion sensors were installed that automatically turn off lights when not in use such as in bathrooms and class rooms. The cost for the projects to St. Mary’s was $9,500 while the BGE contribution was $47,500.  Next up is Notre Dame Hall.  
    • The Church heating system switched from steam to a more energy efficient hot water system, which is saving several thousand dollars a year in heating costs and reducing our carbon footprint.
    • In the past several years when mechanical equipment is replaced, high efficiency units with digital controls are substituted, saving on operating costs and reducing our carbon footprint.
    • An upgrade is under consideration with BGE support to use more efficient motors with VFD (variable frequency drive) on applicable mechanical units to further reduce electrical consumption.
    • Opportunities are being explored to use solar panels (photo-voltaic cells) on roofs to produce electricity and further reduce non-renewable electricity consumption. There are major grants and rebates for such systems and St. Mary’s has been approached by companies willing to fund and implement these systems whereby they are paid for out of yearly energy savings. 
    • St. Mary’s will be purchasing a greater percentage of renewable “Green” energy, such as wind power, in the new electric utility contract.
    • St. Mary’s joined hands with the Spa Creek Conservancy and Carroll House and Gardens and obtained a $105,000 state grant to retrofit the 2.1 acre parking lot behind St. Mary’s Church that drains polluting stormwater to Spa Creek.  Nine rain gardens were installed to allow much of the runoff to naturally infiltrate the soils and the large old storm drain and parking lot were cleaned-out.  St. Mary’s students helped plant the gardens with water-absorbent native plants.  These rain gardens and improved stormwater management have greatly decrease nutrients, sediment, and toxic chemicals running off into Spa Creek after each rain storm. The project won the top environmental award from Anne Arundel County in 2009 and only used $56,000 of the grant.  The SMESC has helped maintain, clean, and water these pollutant-absorbing gardens with the help of students. Read The Capital article about the project.
    • Rain barrels have been placed around drain spouts from school buildings to hold stormwater from roofs and prevent pollution.
    • St. Mary’s is examining a pilot project for a floating wetland along the border of the Carroll House Gardens on Spa Creek that would prevent erosion and cleanse run-off by using floating vegetated mats.
    • St. Mary’s has implemented a Parish-wide wide recycling system including the schools with recycling bins in every classroom.  Recycling is going full-scale in the Churches, rectory, Priests’ living quarters, and all other buildings.  Tons of recycled materials are turned into new products each year instead of being burned in incinerators or buried in landfills.   
    Dedicated teachers in our elementary and high schools serve on the Environmental Stewardship Committee and have done much with their students:
    • The school is committed to environmental education through academic programs, co-curricular club offerings, and through volunteer learning opportunities.  It is the goal of the High School to offer a range of courses and activities that will encourage students to consider their place in the natural world, to provide depth and breadth to their knowledge of the scientific, literary and moral dimensions of conservation and to foster understanding of and responsibility for their choices and the affects that these choices have on the natural world. St. Mary’s High School fosters environmental awareness inside and outside the classroom. The school’s environmental curriculum is an integral part of the school’s mission to prepare students intellectually, and spiritually to meet the challenges of today and the future.
    • Through the Environmental Studies Program, created in 2009, the High School offers a two-year, elective interdisciplinary course of study focused on the environment.  Students study environmental matters in an academic context through the Environmental Science and Environmental Literature courses. This classroom learning is expanded by a three-day residential field experience, most recently a trip taken to Port Isobel Island to study the Bay and its challenges. This classroom and field learning is enriched by independent readings and volunteer service. The program culminates in an independent project which the student creates and has leadership responsibility for. Past final projects include neighborhood stream cleanups, rain garden restorations, photo essays, and environmental education videos. Each year the program graduates a small, but dedicated group of 5-10 students with a certificate in environmental studies.
    • The high school has an Environmental Club which educates itself on environmental current events, while also volunteering with rain garden cleanups and raising oysters in nearby Spa Creek. The Club raises funds every Earth Day through a bake sale and out-of-uniform day with the funds donated to an environmental non-profit group chosen by the Club’s members. Since the Club’s founding in 2005 it has donated more than $10,000 to a number of local and global environmental groups. A favorite recipient has been the Nature Conservancy’s Adopt-an-Acre program for which the club’s donations have paid for the preservation of over 150 acres of habitat around the world in places as diverse as Costa Rican rainforests and African savannahs.
    • The high school has implemented a plastic, paper and aluminum recycling program. Every room is equipped with a recycling container, which is emptied daily, and Marian Hall (the lunch room), is serviced by larger recycling cans which the students use.
    • The Elementary School includes in its mission providing environmental education for students, faculty and staff.  In doing so, the school strives to create an environmentally sound city school and involve everyone in being stewards of God’s gift of the Earth. To fulfill this mission, the School has a standing Green School Committee comprised of volunteer faculty and staff.  The Committee also enlists the help of parent and community volunteers.   Students are active participants on a daily basis.  St. Mary’s Elementary was designated a Green School by the state of Maryland.
    • Each year, the Green School Committee establishes a set of goals based on a school wide assessment of the campus that identifies areas which could be made more environmentally sound.
    • Rain barrels were installed to hold rainwater and help cleanse it before it runs off into Spa Creek.
    • Earth Week events are conducted, and complete clean-ups have been done of the parking lot and grounds with the Spa Creek Conservancy. 
    • Projects have included wetland construction.
    • Recycling programs (paper, plastic, aluminum, glass, and electronics) have been instituted and each class room has a recycling bin.
    • A rain garden of native Maryland plants was planted and is maintained to reduce polluted stormwater runoff, provide an educational place for students, and increase faculty environmental education.
    • Earth Week activities are conducted throughout the school.
    • A new learning environment was established with the addition of a 150 gallon Chesapeake Bay tank in the school.  This tank has Bay species as inhabitants. 
    • Parish-wide Earth Week activities are conducted, including seminars, conservation projects, liturgy recognition of Earth Care, engagement with student groups at St. Mary’s, and, in the past, skipjack trips on the Bay for clergy members.
    • Environmental stewardship is promoted through bulletin notes, the Pastor’s letter, pamphlets promoting conservation, presentations to all teachers and staff at the elementary school, articles in Parish publications, seminars, sponsorship and participation at Parish events such as Church donut socials.
    St. Mary’swas the first house of worship to gain the City of Annapolis Environmental Stewardship Certification as part of a Sustainable Annapolis initiative. Launched in 2009, the Certification Program awards best practice certificates to places of worship, homes, restaurants, lodging establishments, auto repair shops, schools, retail stores, and office buildings.  St. Mary’s is certifying to its many GREEN practices to earn enough qualifying points from a comprehensive checklist of environmental best practices and then pass a verification inspection.
    • The Environmental Stewardship Committee is working with the Archdiocese of Baltimore to help seek funding for a full-time Archdiocesan staffer to implement such projects as above throughout the Archdiocese’s 151 parishes and 70 schools.
    • Presentations have been made to other groups on St. Mary’s Environmental Stewardship, including the Catholic Deanery (county-wide Catholic pastors/leaders) and the Annapolis Ministerium (local interfaith group of ministers), individual churches, and conservation groups.
    • In 2009, the Chesapeake Interfaith Environmental Group was formed with St. Mary’s an active participant and a co-sponsor of an annual major event, the EARTH, WATER AND FAITH FESTIVAL, which has been held each year at Annapolis Towne Center with faith-based groups from the Jewish, Catholic,
      Muslim, and Protestant communities participating.   An interfaith seminar was held to foster conservation efforts beyond such Earth Day events with St.
      Mary’s presenting. 
    • When the Carroll House hosted GreenDrinks Annapolis, SMESC had an information table and led several walks for more than 40 attendees through our stormwater pollution reducing rain gardens on the parking lot.
    We can do many simple things to help reduce the excessive drain on our natural resources and the pollution of God’s creation.  Most all of these save money and reduce pollutants to the Chesapeake:
    • Join the St. Mary’s Environmental Stewardship Committee.
    • Read some of the Popes’ and Bishops’ and other messages on the duty to protect the environment on this page over on the right.
    • Conserve Energy by car pooling, walking or biking, and using public transit. Drive fuel-efficient cars, keep them well maintained, do not leave cars idling, plan driving trips/errands to minimize miles driven, and keep tires properly inflated. At home and the office weatherize windows and doors, install new efficient compact fluorescent bulbs, and purchase only energy efficient appliances.  Keep the thermostat low in the winter and use fans instead of a/c whenever possible. Regularly change furnace filters. Turn off all computers, lights, TV's, and electronic devices when not in use. Contact BGE for FREE installation of energy conservation measures that will save you $$$$: Their Peak Rewards Program alone will save you $200 this summer on your electric bill. Conserving energy minimizes pollution and keeps money in your pocket.
    • Conserve and Protect our Water by using flow restrictors on shower heads and faucets and waiting for full loads before starting the washing machine or dishwasher.  Insulate older hot water heaters and set the temperature at no higher than 120 degrees. Do not let water run while brushing teeth or shaving and try taking shorter showers.  Install rain barrels to hold and allow stormwater to flow into the ground.
    • Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle to reduce household trash/solid waste by at least 80% through recycling.  Recycle all you can and yard waste, too. Bring in your own grocery stores bags.  Purchase only recycled paper with post-consumer content. 
    • Chemical Use: Avoid using chemicals (solvents, Freon, and pesticides) harmful to the environment.  If you must use pesticides, use according to label requirements.  Recycle used motor oil. Do not place hazardous household substances in the trash or flush down the toilet.  Do not use or at least minimize use of fertilizers and test soil before applying fertilizer.  Clean up after pets. 
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  • Gabriel Network

    The mission of this group is to get the parish involved on a "grass roots" level to help women in crisis pregnancies who have no where else to go; to help the women (by our example of being there) keep their babies or put them up for adoption instead of using abortion as an alternative to their crisis; and to help women understand that life is a gift. Through prayer and action this group supports these women and babies in need. This group has fundraisers to procure money for transition homes; tries to maintain a visual presence in the community with public showings of "life chains" and "rosaries"; and tries to get people more involved with volunteering at Birthright and other pro-life functions.
  • Greater Annapolis Interfaith Network

    The Greater Annapolis Interfaith Network or GAIN  provides the people of St. Mary's Parish with opportunities to respond to Christ's question, "Who do you say that I am?" by following the way of Jesus Christ in care and commitment for our suffering neighbors, and critiquing, and changing systems that cause suffering. The committee accomplishes this by listening upon the cries and anger of the oppressed and exploited; praying for God's grace and guidance and the presence of the Spirit in our work; educating ourselves and our parish about the causes of suffering; serving and caring for those in need; advocating empowerment of oppressed and disenfranchised individuals and groups to shape their own destinies; and living God's love.
  • Habitat for Humanity

    Saint Mary’s parishioners can be involved by signing up for Saturday work parties, which we do several times a year as a Parish group, or individually by reporting to the ongoing projects on any Saturday or Wednesday (call ahead to Habitat of the Chesapeake to make sure that work is scheduled and to confirm address and directions 410-366-1250).

    Lunch Program: Opportunities are available for supporting the volunteer lunch program to make and serve lunches at Saturday worksites. Contact parishioner Sarah Hill at for more info.

    Helping at the County Level: You can also get involved at the County level in many ways - check out the Habitat website at for all the info on that as well as links to the national Habitat organization and related sites.

    Youth volunteers can contact the SM Youth Ministry for information on special opportunities for high school students.

    Donations of construction materials, appliances, etc. are coordinated through the Habitat Renovation Station located in Pasadena and Baltimore – info is available on the Habitat website listed above or you can call 410-437-7755 during normal business hours. The store is open to the public, selling new and used items with the proceeds supporting the Habitat mission.
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  • Knitting Ministry

    Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting, and making new friends? Come join the Knitting Group on Mondays from 12:30 to 2:30 P.M., in Seelos Hall. They meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month to make warm hats, mittens, scarves and other items for those in need, including Sarah‘s House and other worthy causes. All are welcome, including beginners.
  • Light House Shelter

    St. Mary’s is one of a group of Annapolis churches that originated the Light House Homeless Prevention Center in 1991 to provide help to the homeless in our community. One of the original locations of the Light House was the Carroll House on the St. Mary’s campus. Throughout the years, St. Mary's and its parishioners have generously supported the Light House in its mission to help the poor and homeless of our community. The St. Mary’s Most Holy Redeemer Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society provides emergency assistance to those in need and works with the Light House to facilitate long-term self-sufficiency.

    To volunteer:
    • Go to the Light House website and select the volunteer tab
    • You may also contact the volunteer office via phone at 443-569-4211 or by email
    • Stephanie Burlace is the Light House Liaison for St. Mary’s parish. She can provide information about volunteering in support of the Light House. She can be contacted via phone at 410-562-9555 or by email.
    The Light House’s expanded capabilities increase the need for volunteers to serve a greater number of clients. The Light House offers opportunities to serve in numerous ways – providing bagged lunches, preparing dinner for shelter residents, pantry help, administrative help, teaching subjects such as job interviewing skills, resume writing, etc. as well as helping with special events such as the annual Pumpkin Patch fundraiser. These activities are only some of the many Light House Shelter opportunities available to help the poor and homeless of our community. You and/or your family or your organization could choose to make bag lunches and provide those to the Light House – as few or as many as you choose and on any schedule you choose.  You may choose volunteer activities that interact directly with those you are helping (or not). Choose to volunteer in a way that suits your level of comfort. All these activities provide excellent opportunities to carry out Christ’s direction to Feed the Hungry and Shelter the homeless.
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  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Advocacy

    St. Theresa of the Little Flower said, "At every moment, do what Love requires."  There is a great need to help our immigrant brothers and sisters of the Parish.  No matter what your talents are, there are many ways to serve. If you have a heart for helping others in these troubled times, please join us!  

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  • Rachel's Vineyard Ministries

    The mission of the ministry is to provide weekend retreats for healing for anyone suffering from the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. All retreats are listed at
  • Respect Life Committee

    Every human being, at every stage and condition, is willed and loved by God. For this reason, every human life is sacred. To deprive someone of life is a grave wrong and a grave dishonor to God. Because we are created in the image of God, who is Love, our identity and our vocation is to love. Pope Benedict has called this "the key to [our] entire existence." The Respect Life committee invites you to participate in St. Mary‘s Respect Life Program. They meet the second Tuesday of the month at St. Mary's Church in the Neumann room at 7:00 P.M. Help work toward the day when laws and social institutions of society protect the most vulnerable among us.
  • Retrouvaille

    The members of Retrouvaille International are united in the belief that the Sacrament of Marriage deserves an opportunity and has a God-given right to thrive in a society that does little to support marriages. They believe that the presence of God can make a difference in any marriage and that a reconciled marriage is preferable to divorce. They welcome all who wish to join them in this ministry, and will work and pray together to help alleviate the pain and begin the healing process in the marriages that come to Retrouvaille for help. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will use their talents and gifts to promote and spread the healing ministry of Retrouvaille.
  • Separated and Divorced Catholics

    Separation and divorce can be the most difficult event in an adult’s life. It is sometimes particularly difficult for Catholics. Pope John Paul II said “I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced, and with solicitous care to make sure that they do not consider themselves as separated from the Church, for as baptized persons they can, and indeed must, share in her life.”

    For additional resources please view our Separated and Divorced Ministry Resource Package.
  • St. Vincent de Paul Society

    St. Vincent de Paul Society is the primary charitable instrument for the parishioners of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church.  During the COVID -19 pandemic, the Society is reaching out to those in need by telephone and meeting in person by appointment as conditions permit.

    Contact for Clients:
    The Society provides emergency financial assistance to Annapolis residents for rent, utilities, medicine, food, work- or medical-related transportation, and funerals. We also provide counseling and coordination of local social services. For many poor and desperate people in the area, we are the charity of last resort. Approximately 1,000 families receive assistance annually.
    Clients eligible for financial assistance must present personal identification, be interviewed by a volunteer, and demonstrate a genuine need with appropriate documentation such as an eviction notice.

    The Society undertakes larger, unique projects as deemed appropriate by its members and in accord with its resources. Sometimes this consists of providing continuous assistance to a family over a period of six to eighteen months in hopes that our support will lead to a permanent improvement in the family’s living situation.

    In addition to these services and activities, a major project of the Society is the Holiday Sharing Program. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, we deliver food baskets to the homes of 500 needy families. At Christmas, we also collect presents for the children.
    Contact for Volunteers:

    Tom Kelly (effective October 2023)

    The Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (Employer ID 52-2181931), signifying that it is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Maryland as exempt from income tax. We receive funds from direct donations, a portion of the poor box collection at St. Mary’s Church and St. John Neumann Church, and from a special appeal at Thanksgiving and Christmas to support the Holiday Sharing Program.

    The Society is staffed entirely by volunteers. Administrative and operational costs comprise 1% of expenditures. Therefore, 99% of all funds goes directly toward assisting our clients.
    The Annapolis Conference is a member of the Baltimore Council and is affiliated with the national and international St. Vincent de Paul Society.
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  • Veteran's of St. Mary's

    The Catholic War Veterans, Post 1965, has been re-named VETERANS OF SAINT MARY’S and has been re-structured to better serve our parish community. We are a parish organization with three primary goals: (1) to provide assistance to needy veterans and their families, (2) to honor St. Mary‘s veterans and their families for their service and the sacrifices they have made for our nation, and (3) to support the efforts of our other parish ministries and organizations.