Parish Life


The Catholic definition of devotion is a gift of oneself or one's activities to God. These devotional ministries exist to support our willingness and desire, as Catholics, to dedicate ourselves to serve God through prayers or pious acts such as the adoration of God or the veneration of the saints or the Virgin Mary.

Catholic devotions are not part of the official liturgy of the Catholic Church but are part of the popular spiritual practices of Catholics. Devotions can range in form from formalized, multi-day prayers such as Novenas to Eucharistic adoration, from Stations of the Cross to the Rosary, and even horticultural practices such as maintaining a Mary Garden.

Spiritual Enrichment

List of 7 items.

  • Legion of Mary

    The greatest function of the Legion is to develop the sense of a lay vocation under the guidance of Our Lady. Members are called to become more involved in the spiritual life of the church as active participants. Members are able to provide the faithful with consolation visits and even the reception of the Eucharist. The Legion seeks to maintain its object of giving glory to God through each member's quest for holiness of life under the guidance of the Blessed Mother. It directs its members by weekly routine of Mary-like apostolic work and by its weekly spiritual formation meeting. Service is recognized as an essential mark of the Legion of Mary. They provide service such as aiding people to return to Christ, visits to the sick and lonely, letters to prisoners, and involvement with the young children in Junior Legion groups.
  • Mary Garden

    Following an old European custom, the quiet and lush garden tucked in on the side of the church and behind the Rectory is dedicated to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. The garden is full of flowers and herbs named after the Blessed Virgin.

  • Partners in Mission

    The mission of this group is to grow in the spirituality of St. Alphonsus. Through discussions and prayer members of the group will become more aware of what inspires the Redemptorists and understand their calling.

  • Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

    St. Mary's Parish is participating in the Perpetual Adoration of the Exposed Real Presence of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is permanently exposed (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel, located under the Sacristy on the garden side of the Church. The adoration demonstrates an appreciation on their part of the total gift of Christ's presence among us, and expresses our love for Him. They adore the true presence of Jesus - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the exposed Eucharist. The participating parishioners have committed to spend a specific hour each week in adoration; in this way, the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone. Without these commitments, it would not be possible to have Perpetual Adoration. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to drop in at any time. Commitment to spend an hour a week with our Lord can be made by filling out a sign up card. These cards are available in the chapel or at the parish office in the Rectory.

    Barbara Ristaino (Noon-5pm)
  • Ranger Rosary Makers

    The Ranger Rosary Guild mission statement is to send rosaries to servicemen and women deployed in combat zones and those stateside preparing to be deployed. Their goals are to spread the message, to generate interest in the rosary and to have others begin groups to make rosaries to send to the troops.
  • Secular Franciscan Order

    The Secular Franciscan Order (formerly the Third Order of St. Francis) is a lay order of women and men who live the life of the Gospel in the manner of St. Francis who made Christ the inspiration and the center of life with God and with people.
  • Vocations Committee

    The Vocations Ministry supports, through prayer and activities, the Holy Spirit's call to the priesthood and consecrated life in our parish. They maintain a prayer outreach of seminarians' names in the Adoration Chapel for parishioners to pick a name and pray for a candidate. These ministry volunteers participate in parish activities to bring a presence and awareness of vocations. They provide education and encouragement to foster an atmosphere of prayer and support for the parents, youth, and young adults discerning a call.

    Vocations Ministry Update 
    The Vocations Ministry is sponsoring a prayer initiative with the second graders preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. We hope to show the connection between the priesthood and these sacraments by having the families take home the Traveling Chalice and pray for Vocations for a week. The initiative has been well received and our families are excited to participate.
    Vocations Videos
    The Redemptorist Missionary from 

Divine Mercy Apostolate

The Divine Mercy Apostolate fosters the devotion to the Divine Mercy primarily with the Novena of Divine Mercy, beginning Good Friday and ending the Sunday after Easter.

Louise Ryan
Phone: 410-320-4151