• Liturgical


Parish Life


List of 8 items.

  • Altar Service Ministry

    Altar servers assist the priest and deacon at liturgical celebrations. The Ministry of Altar Service is open to all men, women and children in good standing in the Parish. The responsibilities usually begin 30 minutes before Mass. The Altar Server is responsible for the preparation of the sacred vessels, the linens, the books, and any other items needed for the celebration of the Mass. The acolyte leads the entrance and recessional processions and serves the priest throughout the Mass. After Mass there is cleanup which normally takes about 15-30 minutes. This exceptionally rewarding ministry calls for a strong commitment to service. The ministry of altar service offers children an excellent opportunity to develop a sense of reverence and to acquire familiarity with the Mass.
  • Arimathean Society

    A group of retired or semi-retired gentlemen who assist the priest at funerals by taking care of the liturgical logistics and making all the necessary preparations immediately prior to the Funeral Mass to insure a proper and dignified liturgy. In addition and of greater importance, by their presence and participation on the altar, they convey the condolences and sympathy of the entire Parish Community to the relatives and friends of the deceased.
  • Eucharistic Ministry

    The Ministry of Eucharist in the Catholic Church is recognized by all believers as a high honor. It carries with it the responsibility to become Eucharist to others, to be men and women whose lives and relationships are a reflection of the nourishment and grace they extend to others through offering them the Body and Blood of Christ. Our mission, then, is not only to our parish or to our pastor, but a genuine ministry, whether we are serving in liturgy, living in our home, or dealing with everyday duties at the worksite. 

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist at Mass through the distribution of Holy Communion, and take Communion to the sick, those in need and others unable to celebrate the Eucharist with the parish community. They attend to essential details during Mass and after Mass purification of the vessels.

    We are pleased to announce we'll be using a new online scheduling system, Ministry Scheduler Pro, MSP, that allows you to specify the times that do and do not work well for you to serve, check your schedule from anywhere and easily find a substitute when you can't make it. For information and help on how to use this system, please watch this short video or refer to this printable guide.

    After watching the video, you can log in to the "Web Terminal" using the link below.
    Holidays, Feast Days and Holy Days of Obligation Masses
    These Masses are heavily attended and therefore require additional Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for all masses. There will be "Special" MSP services where you can sign up for these Masses. These will be provided around the Holy Days.

    New potential volunteers should complete this enrollment form.

    For a list of the current Eucharistic Minister Schedule please click here.
  • Greeter Ministry

    The very rewarding ministry of greeting is perhaps one of the most crucial in the church because it is one of the most visible. First impressions are often lasting impressions. When a person steps into St. Mary's, we want him/her to feel that it does make a difference that he/she is there and that someone is happy to see them.
    -A welcoming spirit
    -A person who is dependable, responsible, and flexible
    -A person who has the gift of hospitality, service, and evangelization
    General Responsibilities
    -Offer a friendly welcoming presence to those coming to worship and answer any questions they might have about the liturgy or the parish. If unable to answer questions, find the answers or re-direct inquiries to the appropriate help or service. 
    -Arrive 20 minutes before Mass starts.
    -Wear Greeter Badge.
    -Warmly greet people coming to Mass and answer any questions they might have about the parish or the Mass itself.
    -Warmly greet people as they leave Mass and wish them a good day.
  • Lector Ministry

    The primary mission of the Lector Ministry, as stated in the General Instruction on the Roman Missal, is: "to proclaim the readings from Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel." Lectors are assigned to serve at weekend and Holy Day Masses on a rotational basis, about once every three or four weeks. 

    For a list of the current Lector Schedule please click here
  • Music Ministry

    The Music Ministry provides musical support for liturgical services. This includes regular Sunday Masses as well as all special liturgical events (weddings, funerals, confirmations, etc.). The ministry supports the following choirs: Adult Contemporary, Adult Traditional, Youth (Grades 4 through 8) and Cherub (Grades 1 through 3). In addition, the ministry provides song leaders and cantors at Masses that do not have a choir.

  • Sacristan Ministry

    Sacristans assist the clergy and the assembly of faith in the Eucharistic celebrations and other liturgical celebrations. Sacristan ministry is a time-honored ministry throughout our Catholic history.

    The duties of the Sacristan are carried out under the direction of the Director of Liturgy for St. Mary’s Parish, which includes St. Mary's Church and St. John Neumann Mission Church. Sacristans assist in the preparation of the sanctuary for the liturgical celebration and in the coordination of the various ministries assisting. Although the responsibilities are varied, the importance of the sacristan ministry cannot be understated. The Vatican II documents state, “The liturgy is not an ‘extra’, something nice that may give us good feelings. It is our life, our very spirit. It is the source of our identity and renewal as a Church”. The sacristan ministry assists the assembly in celebrating this life with Christ and thus enabling the liturgy to “flow properly.”
  • Usher Ministry

    The Usher Ministry is the oldest lay ministry in the Catholic Church. The ushers of today have descended from a long line of people of God who have gone before them. The primary duties and responsibilities of the usher include greeting and welcoming parishioners as they enter the church, helping them to find seats, taking up the collection, and wishing everyone a good day at the conclusion of the Eucharistic Celebration.
The liturgical ministries make it possible for us to worship and reflect when we come together to receive God’s grace. This is an important responsibility of the baptized which is to participate in the responses, singing, and listening during the celebration of the liturgy. Some are also called to participate in special liturgical ministries throughout the celebration. 

Every role within the liturgical ministries is an active participant throughout the liturgical celebration. Participants require initial training and ongoing participation in faith formation. 

We invite those that may be interested in participating as a liturgical minister – there are many ways to contribute.