The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered daily on Campus. A number of students and faculty attend daily Mass at St. Mary’s Church. The entire school attends Mass once a month. In August, we start the school year with a Mass for our Faculty before the students return. Then we have our first Mass in the Gardens, celebrated by our High School Prefect . Every month we gather as a school community to celebrate Mass in the Church. We have students participate by being Altar Servers, lectors, ushers, gift bearers, Sacristan, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic and music ministers. In May we have a joint Mass with the Elementary School in the Carroll Gardens, in honor of the Blessed Mother.
St. Mary's High School students also assist with the 5pm Youth Mass, every Sunday at St. John Neumann, as music ministers, lectors, EME’s, Altar servers, ushers and gift bearers. Students enjoy attending Mass and then gathering afterwards for dinner and fellowship.
Students have two formal opportunities to receive the sacrament of reconciliation, once during Advent and once during Lent. Saints are also able to receive the sacrament during their retreat experiences. St. Mary’s also provides confessions to individual theology classes when invited.
St. Mary’s High School encourages our students to receive the sacraments at their home parish. If they wish to make it here, they need to contact the Parish of St. Mary’s to sign up. St. Mary’s Catholic Church confirms in the 10th Grade.
If a student has fallen behind in receiving the sacraments, and would like to continue with them, or if a student would like to convert to the Catholic Faith, we will work with them and their family. St. Mary’s High School will work with the student and family through our own RCIC/RCIA program.
We are blest to have a Perpetual Adoration chapel on campus. Students and Faculty often begin their days in the chapel and are invited to go over during the day. Theology classes often go to the chapel or to the church for class prayer. Adoration, Praise and Worship are offered on a regular basis.
Each school day at St. Mary’s is marked by prayer as a community over the PA system. Students lead prayer in the morning and during afternoon announcements, and each day concludes with a blessing written by the foundress of the SSNDs, Blessed Teresa Gerhardinger, which is led by a member of the administration. Teachers begin their classes with prayer, either led by the students or the teacher.