Welcome to St. Mary’s— a unique, Catholic, college-preparatory parish high school located in the heart of downtown Annapolis and right on the banks of Spa Creek. Here we celebrate a rich history and prepare for a bright future.
Founded by the Redemptorists and guided by the charism of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, we empower our students’ development into servant leaders in the twenty-first century.
We strive to create a nurturing environment where young men and women feel confident to take risks and try new experiences utilizing the gifts and talents God provided each one of them. It is the mission of our entire team to serve our students during their journey of academic, social, physical, and spiritual formation.
Through our dedication to developing the entire child, mind, body and spirit, we ensure our students live the best academic experience possible, while also having opportunities to participate in athletics, clubs, and other extracurricular activities. We have an active Campus Ministry that guides our community to recognize Christ in others and to include God in our lives, no matter our walk of faith. The experienced, committed, and talented faculty and staff of St. Mary’s High School take pride in embracing every student as an individual and guiding each student to reach the fullness of his or her potential as an individual created in God’s image.
If you are new to St. Mary’s High School, we hope that your experience viewing this site will lead you to contact us to learn even more. If you are already part of our school community, we hope the up-to-date information posted here is not only helpful but reinforces your decision to make St. Mary’s High School the choice for education for your family!
Go Saints!
Mrs. Mindi Imes