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Distinguished Alumni

What is a Distinguished Alumni

The Distinguished Alumni Awards are given each year to recognize graduates of St. Mary’s who have contributed to the community by their service, by their professional accomplishments or achievements.

THE DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARD is granted to St. Mary’s graduates for significant professional accomplishments in business or professional life or for distinguished service to the community, state, or nation. The successful awardee will be someone:
  • Whose achievements reflect excellence, commitment, service and gives witness to the heart and spirit of Catholic education
  • Who has demonstrated a high level of achievement in his/her field, has made significant contributions to that field and/or received recognition (publications, presentations, awards, honors, research)
  • Whose individual achievements, contributions to their industries or professions, service to their community and demonstrate loyalty to the St. Mary’s community.
This award is one of the highest honors given by St. Mary’s to a graduate.

THE DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI SERVICE AWARD is granted to St. Mary’s graduates for specific and meritorious service to school, community, state, or nation. The successful awardee will be someone:
  • Who has exhibited extraordinary service and demonstrated loyalty to St. Mary’s Schools and our surrounding community
  • Who has an established history of service to others through significant leadership in public or community endeavors, including the Catholic Church. 

THE DISTINGUISHED YOUNG ALUMNI AWARD is granted to St. Mary’s graduates, age 40 or younger at time of nomination, for significant accomplishments in business or professional life or for service to St. Mary’s and/or the Alumni Association.

The successful awardee will be someone:

  • Who has contributed to their industries or professions, served their community and demonstrated loyalty to the St. Mary’s community
  • Who has attained exceptional accomplishment in the nominee’s chosen profession and for distinguished service that brings honor to the recipient and the St. Mary’s community. 

THE DISTINGUISHED HONORARY ALUMNI AWARD is granted to individuals who are not alumni of St. Mary’s in recognition of specific or significant achievement or specific meritorious service on behalf of the quality and advancement of St. Mary’s School.

2023 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients

Brian Levy - Class of 1990
Tom Kupstas - Class of 2002
Phil Jones - Class of 1969

Past Distinguished Alumni Recipients

Brian Levy-'90
Tom Kupstas-'02
Phil Jones-'69

Timothy Shanley-'99
Hank Gareis-Honorary

Patrick McCarthy-'81
Christopher Smith-'91
Jennifer McKinnon-'97

Nancy Duden-'79
Kevin Shanley-'85
Amelia Jernigan-'01

Charles Ruland-'80
Travis Katski-'89
Jane Morgan-'09
Deacon Leroy Moore-Honorary

George Chmiel-'99
Roy Cranford-'74
Carla Wilcox-Honorary

Anthony Baker-'88
Bill Wagner-'83
Kaeli Smith-'11
J. Merkert & Irene Syrnyk-Honorary 

Ray Sears-'84
Kathleen Brooks-'74
Jennifer Bornemann-'90
Sister Mary Albers-Honorary

Stephen Woerner-'85
Jennie Hazen Driggs-'93
Albert DeCesaris-'91 & Ida DeCesaris Heck-'86
Karen Harrison-Honorary

Rick Wuest-'85
Dominic Souza-'93
Jimmy and Lisa Ellis-'80 and '81
Terry Conway-Honorary

Michael Eckhart-'66
Regina Schmidt-'53
Mary Frances Firth-'94
Michael Mulhern-Honorary

Joseph Rubino-'77
John Shanley III-'83
Melissa Pittman-'93
Wayne Hicks-Honorary

Donald Harrison-'72
Victor Lilly-'87
Anthony Souza-'91
Dan Mellin-Honorary

Thomas Ervin-'85
Dr. Harold Frisch-'86
Mary Elizabeth Sprungle Gilman-'87
Ken Ochs-Honorary

Clinton Eichelberger-'92
Eric Nurmi-86
Kathleen Ruttum-'81
John and Jan Magnolia-Honorary

Colleen Mitsopoulos-'78
Chris Morgan-'82
David Gendell-'86
Jim and Katherine Mandrin-Honorary

Jack Ellis-'75
Dr. Louis Ruland III-'77
Daniel Winegard-'65
Eileen Leahy-Honorary

Thomas Baldwin-Elementary Alum '39
Francis "Skip" Gardiner III-'85
Edward Mullen-'71
Kathleen Corletta-Honorary
Rev. Philip Dabney-Honorary

John Ebersberger-'74
Mary Lee Schab
Gerard Ferri-'73
John Ambrose-Honorary

Joe Devlin-'74
Maureen Kelly-'77
Raymond Crosby-'80
John Lamon-Honorary